- The 2023 fiscal year budget was approved by the Board on Nov. 17, with an increase of 4.2% (which translates to an average monthly HOA fee increasing from $599 to $624).
- First installment of the special assessment was due Jan. 17.
- New chairs of the Landscape (Deborah Farmer) and Social Committees (Donna Blanchard and Denise Coombes) have been appointed, along with committee members.
- The Board continues to work with Foster Creative Design to improve landscape maintenance and reduce the overall expenditure.
- The Holiday party on Dec. 15 at the Pocasset Golf Club was a rousing success, with a delicious buffet, and entertainment by the Moonlighters. Brookside’s own Jim Bowen was a fabulous emcee!
- On January 26, a special meeting was held to elect a trustee to complete the term of the late Tom McLaughlin. However, there was no quorum. Pursuant to by-laws, the Board had the authority to appoint someone, in those circumstances, and did so. Perry Davis, a former Board member, was duly appointed. After the meeting was adjourned, there was discussion of the possible special assessment.
- A Roofing Committee was established as a stand-alone committee, with Dave Eichler appointed as chair.
- Prime Touch is doing carpentry and prep for painting of Carnoustie, Turnberry and Holly Hill.
- The Board is exploring options for placement of storage bins and dumpster used by Prime Touch.
- Barkan has hired Amy LaCava part-time to help Sam Stevenson with pool work, work orders, landscaping and carpentry.
- Barkan is developing parking violation notices.
- The new Community Room is complete, and meetings are being held in it. A new Haier hvac will be installed, at a cost of $8000.
- Electrical service at guard houses will be upgraded, to meet current codes, at a cost of $19,000. Boston Edison will do the work in the Spring.
- The 20 year old irrigation system is being upgraded; this is a capital improvement project.
- Total reserve resources are currently at $2,169,000.