Buyer and Seller, two women of stamina and good will. Both have lost husbands in the last year, and both are moving forward with determination and spirit.
Spring Fever? (Get it, wilting?)
Daffodils, the eternal optimist of spring…having a wilt when it got cold again…
Cape Cod Hygge, Part 1
“Hygge” is the newest cool experience, according to Pinterest, the Washington Post, and just about every other site I’ve been reading. If you haven’t run across it yet, it’s a Danish word meaning coziness, more or less. (It’s pronounced “HOO-gah”.)
Apparently, the word is used constantly in Denmark, which has about 8 months a year of weather that calls for a lot of hygge. Practiced properly, it encompasses your space, your people, and your intention. “A conducive environment is key to experiencing hygge,” says Danish ambassador Lars Gert Lose.
Yesterday was a good day to create hygge. I had both Jotul stoves going, all the lights on in the house, and a soup simmering on the stove. These began as an effort to at least start off warm and with something hot to eat when the power would go off, which was a highly likely possibility given the howling wind and thunder snow.
January 12 on Cape Cod

Words to Live By
Seen in the window of Vagabond View.