Trivia night returns. Come to the Sunset Grill at The Brookside Club from 5:00-8:00 PM. Drinks and appetizers will be available for purchase. Please pay in advance, $5 per person to play. Make check payable to Brookside Special Committee and send/deliver to J heckler, 24 Brookside Rd., or K Pratt, 7 Amberwood Court.
Brookside Meet and Greet
Meet and greet friends from 5:00-7:00 at the pool! BYOB (plastic or cans only), and please bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Listen, the Sound of Spring
Listen – spring peepers, the true sound of spring!
Not Your Average Buyer and Seller
Buyer and Seller, two women of stamina and good will. Both have lost husbands in the last year, and both are moving forward with determination and spirit.
Spring Fever? (Get it, wilting?)
Daffodils, the eternal optimist of spring…having a wilt when it got cold again…